If you need to carry out a boat appraisal, at AYMO PERITOS JUDICIALES we have experts specialising in this field who will provide you with a detailed expert report indicating the value of the boat in the current market.
This appraisal is requested by the interested party in order to obtain information on the value of the vessel, either to make a sale, in the event of a lawsuit or to offer it as collateral.
However, this assessment can be made for any type of vessel, such as recreational vessels, sports vessels, racing vessels, or classic sailboats.
Why appraise boats?
The appraisal of vessels allows for a wide range of purposes to be covered, including the following:
- Expertise for advice on sales and purchases.
- As due diligence advice.
- Inventory and updating of the book value of companies.
- Payment deferrals.
- As proof in transfer operations between related parties.
- Procedures before judicial bodies or the Public Treasury.
- As documentary support to update the accounting value of assets.
Boat Appraisal Process:
- Initial Consultation: Contact us to discuss your boat appraisal needs and schedule an initial consultation.
- Detailed Inspection: Our expert appraiser will carry out a thorough inspection of the boat, evaluating technical aspects, equipment, maintenance and other relevant factors.
- Market Analysis: We use up-to-date tools and knowledge to compare the value of your boat in today's market.
- Professional Report: We provide you with a detailed report highlighting the key aspects of the appraisal, providing a clear and accurate view of the value of your boat.